Wednesday, 25 January 2012

An exciting start to the year!

Photo by Mrs James

G'day! Welcome back to a year of learning and fun. Food is a major part of our world and it is wonderful that you have chosen to learn more about it! Together, we will develop our knowledge of each other and the world of Food Technology. Let's start by sharing why you have chosen to study the FOOD TECHNOLOGY preliminary course. Use the comment section below to post your response.


  1. because it soundss goood and interesting to learn about

  2. the reason i have choosen food tech is because i find it very interesting.:)

  3. I choose food tech because I enjoy food and am keen to explore more. I would love to know to know more about Nutrition and in particular sport and nutrition.

  4. I chose food tech because i LOVE! food and nutrition. Im excited for the upcoming year and cant wait to get into the pracs :)

  5. I choose food tech beacue i enjoy food and learning about it. it will help me in the future and usual skills with my other subjects i have taken up.

  6. I selected food tech because I find it very internsting and want to know more about nutrition.

  7. Thanks for all your comments and congratulations for having a go!
