Thursday, 10 May 2012

Social networks and mobile technology

Image by Taylor S
 This term we are studying core strand 2: Food Quality. This unit of the syllabus investigates hygienic food handling, safe storage of food, food presentation, sensory characteristics of food as well as the functional properties of food. How does one safely handle a protein product or store a perishable food item? For how long? What is the difference between use-by-dates and best before dates? How do certain factors such as oxygen, temperature and acidity affect food? Does effective food presentation appeal to you? What is effective food preparation?  The answers to these and many more questions are investigated throughout the term.
Image by Jacob B

Using Jacob's image we applied Aquarell on Autopainter ap

Image by Mrs James
Mobile technology has increasingly become part of our daily lives; especially for youth. They live and interact in a densely connected world.  These online connections are occurring more and more via mobile devices. Experiences are captured in a photo and shared instantly on Facebook, tumbler or instagram in a blink of an eyelid. There has been negative views regarding social networking in the media, which can often overshadow the positive elements of these communities.  Immersing yourself in these worlds one can find a great sense of belonging and affirmation. It is a place to reflect and start conversations. For some, it offers a haven from challenging face to face relationships. One can obtain an avatar and experiment with a person they hope to one day become. For others, opportunities exist to foster hobbies and interests. Gaining support and guidance from a wide variety of friends can be very beneficial. Feedback is timely and immediate. Of course, our youth must be supported in developing their digital identity and it is pleasing to see more schools taking an active and more importantly, proactive position towards digital education!  The majority of kids are good at heart and will give things a go; if they see value in it.

Social networking, used in education is where the kids want to be. 
They are already there socially, 
so let's embrace it!

Image by Mrs James

Image by Julian S
Image by Jordan S
Using a photo sharing app such as Instagram, enables the user to tap into other peoples worlds. It also allows others to tap into ours.  This sense of connection is wonderful! Instagram blends beautifully, the world of sharing photos with the world of appreciation.  Photographers have always had a eye for that special moment, accompanied with just the right angle to elicit certain emotions and memories.  Using instagram allows the student to start thinking about the way in which they view the world. As others "like" and "comment" on their image they begin to gain confidence and experiment with the world of imagery.  We are using Instagram to capture the world of food.  Food photography is a major player in communicating messages to the consumer.  From the image on a product trying to gain attention on a supermarket shelf to the stunning dish on the cover of a gourmet food magazine that intices you to want more!  Over the next few weeks Year 11 Food Technology will be dabbling in food styling and photography as we learn about the functions and properties of food.  We are posting all our images on our instagram account "foodatoakhill" We have a twitter handle by the same name @foodatoakhill If you like an image or could offer the student photographer advice, please do!  The students are enjoying this exercise and love feedback and encouragement ;)

Image by Mrs James
Instagram is available as an app on the ipad, iphone AND android devices. On a mac, you can view via INKSTAGRAM (some pics spaces are filled with advertisements, but not intrusive) Click here for our instgram food via inkstagram. At this stage, you cannot view Instagram on your PC. 

We are using other mobile apps such as Snapseed, Frame magicCamera+ and photoforge2.  Snapseed is the most expensive at just over $5, the others are 0.99cents (Australian dollars).  There are other free apps to use such as Adobe photoshop express

(Other images will be posted in gallery over the course of the term-click on the tab above)

Next post:
Using QR codes to link students to information -at their fingertips, anytime; anywhere!

Enjoy the world of food! What are your favourite apps?  What food would you like to see us photograph? Any tips or advice would be great!  if you are food photographer or stylist and would love to share your expertise with our students, please get in touch!

Post comment:
Thank you for all the people that have viewed our blog and an extra HUGE thanks to those that take the time to "comment feedback" -so good to see!


  1. Fantastic photography! Especially for using mobile technology. My tip for photography is embrace the rule of thirds.

  2. Thanks Justin! We appreciate your comment. For those that are interested, here is a link re The rule of thirds:

  3. I like the image by Jordan of the shallot roots as the roots appear to be reaching out to you. And I love onion! By Tony the Painter.

  4. Food Technology meets Visual Art & Photography!!! Way to go - should run by the Art Teachers.
    Well done team - you do the TAS Deptartment PROUD!

  5. From Mr Harper
    Having been a chef for 20 years and now a teacher I love the freedom and ease that mobile photograghy allows us all to take high quality images of food. Well done the simplicity of garlic one of our most cherished base ingredients for most things savoury looks great.

  6. When you combine two favourites of mine, food and photography, you're on a winner. The images look great.

    Teacher, NSW, Australia

  7. Great effects with the instagram app. It is fabulous to be able to take a simple garlic bulb and give it an instant classic look.
    Looking forward to your views on QR codes as I use them as teaching tools in my classroom quite a bit.

  8. I love the pictures! very well done:)
    - Chelsea from Mrs. Nic's class. :)

  9. Pretty sweet blog. Awsome pictures. And yeah technology is big part of our live now days

  10. These pictures look great and the simplicity and boldness really stands out :D
    -Student from Mrs. Nicholas's Health Class in America

  11. nice pictures

  12. Very good photography especially the one by Jordan. It looks really nice.


  14. What veggies do you have down in Australia?

  15. I like the image by Mrs. James. She used instagram as it says and I also use that!Great job!

  16. I like the omage by Taylor S. Good Job!

  17. I thought that this blog was very informative and easy to read. :) The pictures were really good too!
    -Credence (Le-Win High School Health class, Edmodo)

  18. That was kool.

  19. I think the pictures are cool.

  20. i agree good pics

  21. I really like all of the beautiful picures! great msg to comvey!

  22. beautiful pictures, i've heard alot about inkstagram. sounds pretty great(:
    i love food picutures that spell out some word such as health or a group of fruits that form a different picture all together(:

  23. Ms Nicks Health Class, I love the pictures, and think that its really pretty, specially the apple changing!(:

  24. The pictures go well with the words.

  25. I think the pictures are outstanding. I really enjoyed the auto-painter feature that was used on the apple.

  26. what r those cooks doing on their phones? GET BACK TO WORK!!!!!

  27. Very nice photography!

  28. really cool pictures i really like the one by Julian S.

  29. This is really neat. I LOVE the pictures!

  30. very nice website and pictures

  31. My heart just did a little skip of joy... where the 21st Century and Home Economics meet. This is a FANTASTIC blog and pictures! Well done teacher and students!

  32. Thanks so very much Jay! So lovely to hear positive comments. We are glad you enjoyed them.

  33. You are most welcome! THANKS for taking the time to comment. I have bookmarked your site and will pass it onto my Muslim friend and our RE department (study dietary habits of Religions around the world) thanks! @foodatoakhill

  34. Thank you for taking time to share it with the readers, I am more than happy to have come across it. Keep up the good work. solavei
